Internet Explorer takes 5 minutes to load



I have XP home with all the latest updates installed, a fairly fast computer
with 512Mb RAM and have up to date virus scanner.

When I click internet explorer just after booting up it takes 5 minutes to

If I click it twice one copy starts immediately and can be used normally,
then 5 minutes later a second instance starts. It seems that the first
attempt to start it triggers or initialises something that then allows
subsequence instances to start OK.

If I boot, leave it alone for 5+ minutes, then click IE it starts without

Anybody got any idea what may cause this?

John Thomas Smith

When I click internet explorer just after booting up it takes 5 minutes to

If I boot, leave it alone for 5+ minutes, then click IE it starts without

Anybody got any idea what may cause this?

Watch your hard drive light when starting your computer... there is a
LOT of activity as Windows and all of your "services" are loaded

The computer where I am now takes 3-4 minutes to load everything and
then be totally ready for me to run programs

John Thomas Smith


If it can't start IE until the start up programs are all loaded how come
clicking IE twice starts one instance of it straight away whilst the second
instance pops up 5 minutes later?

Also, I believe XP is designed to load the essentials first and quickly so
that the user can start working straight away while non-essentials are
loaded in the background later.

In my case the hard disk stops running a long time before IE starts, and all
other software on the computer can be started without waiting. I am not
trying to start IE until all icons are visible in the quick launch bar so
most if not all the start-up programs are running. The 5 minute delay is
from when I click the IE icon to when IE starts - not how long it takes the
computer to boot since I am not trying to start IE until after the boot
appears to finish.

Anybody got any other ideas?

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