Internet Explorer issues



Sorry about the cross post. I had no relevent responses in the other

Windows XP SP2, IE7 with all recent updates.

I have desktop shortcuts to favorite web sites. When I click on the icons
now, the screen blinks, but the web site is not accessed.

A different issue... When I start Internet Explorer and then open a web site,
parts of some pages do not display. For example, this newsgroup displays,
but the postings themselves do not. (I'm posting this from a different
machine). Another example, I can reference the Windows Update page but
nothing at all is displayed.

Can anyone help me correct either or both of these issues? I already know
about malware and viruses. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


If I already have an IE7 window already open, I can open Internet pages from
Desktop shortcuts. Otherwise, the screen just blinks and the web page does
not open. Anyone seen this before?


Thanks, Elmo. I actually identifed that as a problem and fixed it last night
when I was unable to open a hyperlink to a web site that a friend sent me in
an email. So your recommendation would have fixed one of my issues. My
remaining problem appears to be with web sites that run Javascript. When a
page opens that doesn't display properly, I can see the Javascript reference
on the status bar.

Can anyone tell me how to correct my Javascript issue?



Elmo, after reading your post again I realized that I missed the URL fix for
Internet shortcuts. I'll try that tonight and post back. Thank you.

Now, if someone could just help me with my Javascript problem.

Have a good day.


CurtB said:
Thanks, Elmo. I actually identifed that as a problem and fixed it last night
when I was unable to open a hyperlink to a web site that a friend sent me in
an email. So your recommendation would have fixed one of my issues. My
remaining problem appears to be with web sites that run Javascript. When a
page opens that doesn't display properly, I can see the Javascript reference
on the status bar.

Can anyone tell me how to correct my Javascript issue?


Here are a few Google Groups archived posts I found:

W2k update of jscript.

IEFix and other suggestions.

Register IE .dll files.

Continue the search.


Thanks, Elmo. The URL file association fixed the desktop shortcuts.
But, sadly, I had no success with the Javascript issue.


CurtB said:
Thanks, Elmo. The URL file association fixed the desktop shortcuts.
But, sadly, I had no success with the Javascript issue.

Are there any error messages? Maybe it's a Java error. That can be
caused by a pop-up blocker. Also check security settings.


Elmo, you're my new hero.

regsvr32 vbscript.dll
regsvr32 jscript.dll

This fixed my problem.

Thank you very much for your helpful assistance.

David Reamer

I'm getting an error message each time I activate Internet Explorer 7.
(Cannot find ‘file:///C:/Program%20Files/AOL%20Toolbar/welcome.html’. Make
sure the path or internet address is correct.

Any idea where I can get help with this problem?

Thanks for the help, Dave.


You sick f$ck, I did that to prove a point. You lied when you told everyone
you would stop stalking me if I took your name out of my sig and email. I
did that against my better judgment after initially refusing to do so even
after all the emails I got telling me to try it and see. As a favor to
Microsoft, because your sick a$$ was disrupting their groups, I changed it.
They also told me that if I change it and you continue to stalk me they will
ban you. Your sorry a$$ name is nowhere in my sig or email address now leave
me the f$ck alone you sick bastard.

Stalking is a Crime
Stalking charges are serious and
almost every state now has a strict stalking law.

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