internet explorer is not opening certain files types




i am not able to open .pdf files in windows 2003 std edt server. though
the same files can be opened in win xp pro. is there any setting to make
these files get working in the server.

win 2000 server did not have this problem.

what can be done?

tanks in adv

George Hester

Well as far as I know you need the Adobe PDF plugin for to open pdfs in Microsoft Internet Explorer. Of course since Microsoft frowns on plugins for IE and in fact has removed Netscape style plugins from working with IE 6 you may just have what's called an irreconciability. (sp?)



well, i am not clear abt this PDF plugin. i have adobe acrobat reader
installed in the server as the same with win xp pro, which dosnt give any
problem. "IE 6 you may just have what's called an irreconciability. (sp?)"
what does this mean. do i have to install SP XX in the server to work this
problem? if this is the case, then this will be a real mess...

George Hester

The pdf plugin is necessary to open pdfs in Microsoft Internet Explorer. Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 did away with support of Netscape style plugins. I have no idea if the Adobe pdf plugin is one of these. All I know is is that Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 made the use of plugins problematic. Windows 2003 is a much more secure operating system by default then any other Microsoft Operating System. It is shipped closed down to almost anything you previously did without issue. This could be one of them. That's what I suspect. The combination of IE 6's lack of support for Netscape Style plugins AND the high default Security Windows 2003 ships with is likely the issue.

But check out the newsgroup microsoft.public.server.general. That's where Windows 2003 users post.

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