internet explorer does not save image in the proper format



if I click "save as" on an image jpg or other, if I
change the name of the file it will be saved vithout
extension. If I keep the original name it is saved with
right extension.


Frank Saunders, MS-MVP

marco said:
if I click "save as" on an image jpg or other, if I
change the name of the file it will be saved vithout
extension. If I keep the original name it is saved with
right extension.


Does it try to save as a BMP file?
That happens when the Temporary Internet Files are too full. In IE click
Tools | Internet Options. Click Delete Files in the Temporary Internet
files section of the General tab. On the next window place a check mark in
the box to Delete all offline content.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
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-----Original Message-----

Does it try to save as a BMP file?
That happens when the Temporary Internet Files are too full. In IE click
Tools | Internet Options. Click Delete Files in the Temporary Internet
files section of the General tab. On the next window place a check mark in
the box to Delete all offline content.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup. Do not send email
Protect your PC

No, it save the file with no extension, then I need to
choose the program to open it.
If I check the properties of the file in the file type it
is mentioned: "file".


it'll do that if you have a full stop (period) in the filename - just rename
the file, deleting the full stops, and add '.jpg' at the end


example: the image name is: image. save file as .jpg.
in this case the file will be saved as image.jpg and will
open in windows viewer.
if I change the name to : image1 and press save, the file
will save without extension and I will be asked which
program to use to open it. The fact is that in another
computer also running xp explorer 6.0 it will be saved as
jpg and open accordingly.


there is no full stop in the file name....
-----Original Message-----
it'll do that if you have a full stop (period) in the filename - just rename
the file, deleting the full stops, and add '.jpg' at the end


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