Internet Explorer crashes on extremely large webpage



Hey everyone,

What caused the crash is somewhat humorous, but the fact of the matter is
that IE crashed. I visited, did an Advanced
Search, and told the page to load all of Mozilla's open bugs. I then
minimized Internet Explorer to check some email and do this and that, but
when I tried to open the window with the Mozilla bugs (which is admittedly
very long), IE would not respond and eventually crashed. Has anyone else
experienced IE crashes on extremely large web pages? And I don't mean pages
full of graphics, I just mean a huge page with text? I have 1 GB of RAM on XP
Pro SP2, so this really shouldn't be a problem.

Let the jokes commence...

"Mozilla's got so many open bugs, IE shutters and goes brain dead just
trying to think of them all at once..."

Yours truly,
(A web browser enthusiast - NOT a Mozilla developer, or a developer at all
for that matter)


Hello Sandi,

By "crashed" I mean it froze ("Not Responding" in the Task Manager). I used
End Task to kill IE, the error reporting tool asked me a send a report, and I

- Eric

Jon Kennedy

I did the same thing you did and it also caused IE to become unresponsive,
eventually. It took a long time for the search engine to work on the
server-side, then it took a long time to load the page (cable modem here).
After the page seemed to be almost finished (I was scrolling along to the
bottom as it loaded), IE hung for a little bit, went blank for awhile, then
finally rendered the complete page. The return for the search was
36,000-37,000 entries. When scrolling the page, it really seemed to be
stressing my video card's memory (64 MB) and it was jerky. At the top of
the page, it said "This list is too long for Bugzilla's little mind; the
Next/Prev/First/Last buttons won't appear on individual bugs." Checking the
page's properties showed the page to be ~25 MB in size. And just after
that, IE hung up and wouldn't do anything - had to quit it via Task Manager.

I don't know if there's a limit to how large a page has to be before IE
hangs. FP2K did have a limit of 32,767 lines of code before it would hang,
as described here:

Just reloaded that search page, making a couple parameter changes, returned
a stable page 11.6 MB in size w/ 17,318 bugs. I have tried to reproduce the
above hang, but no matter what I do I can't get the site to return the full,
huge page again - the site times out.

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