Internet Connection Sharing Problems



I have a Desktop PC connected to the internet via Dial-up and a Laptop
connected to the Desktop via a Network cable.

I have altered the settings so that the Laptop can share this internet
connection. When I connect from the Desktop PC a 'dial-up connection' icon
appears on both computers, however I can only access the internet from the

When I disable the Firewall on both computers, I can access the internet
from both. Is there any way that I can keep the Firewall active and still
gain internet access from the Laptop?

Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated, Cheers.


I have a Desktop PC connected to the internet via Dial-up and a Laptop
connected to the Desktop via a Network cable.

I have altered the settings so that the Laptop can share this internet
connection. When I connect from the Desktop PC a 'dial-up connection' icon
appears on both computers, however I can only access the internet from the

When I disable the Firewall on both computers, I can access the internet
from both. Is there any way that I can keep the Firewall active and still
gain internet access from the Laptop?

Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated, Cheers.


Would you please start by providing "ipconfig /all" from both computers. Let's
try and diagnose the problem. Do the 4 way diagnostic here too:

Did you select option #1 for the desktop, and Option #2 for the laptop, when you
set them up?

Steve Winograd [MVP]

Paul said:
I have a Desktop PC connected to the internet via Dial-up and a Laptop
connected to the Desktop via a Network cable.

I have altered the settings so that the Laptop can share this internet
connection. When I connect from the Desktop PC a 'dial-up connection' icon
appears on both computers, however I can only access the internet from the

When I disable the Firewall on both computers, I can access the internet
from both. Is there any way that I can keep the Firewall active and still
gain internet access from the Laptop?

Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated, Cheers.

Some firewall programs are incompatible with Internet Connection
Sharing. Which one are you using on each computer?
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

Al Romanosky

Two possibilities; First - a firewall should only be active on the computer
accessing the internet and not the client computer
(BTW - Microsoft's recommendation, not mine). Second - follow the following
"trail" to determine if network users are permitted to "control or disable"
the shared connection:

Control panel>Network connections>Internet connection>Properties>Advanced
tab - under internet connection sharing check option "Allow other network

Steve Winograd [MVP]

"Al Romanosky" said:
Two possibilities; First - a firewall should only be active on the computer
accessing the internet and not the client computer
(BTW - Microsoft's recommendation, not mine). [remainder snipped]

Where does Microsoft say that, and what exactly do they say?

I don't think that advice applies in Windows XP Service Pack 2, where
they recommend running the Windows Firewall on all computers. In
fact, the Windows Security Center pops up an alert if there's no
firewall on a computer.

There are firewalls that interfere with ICS on the host computer, but
I'm not aware of any that cause problems on a client computer.
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program


Two possibilities; First - a firewall should only be active on the computer
accessing the internet and not the client computer
(BTW - Microsoft's recommendation, not mine). Second - follow the following
"trail" to determine if network users are permitted to "control or disable"
the shared connection:

Control panel>Network connections>Internet connection>Properties>Advanced
tab - under internet connection sharing check option "Allow other network

The referenced recommendation is from the days of Internet Connection Firewall,
when using a firewall would cause loss of file and printer sharing, and making
file and printer sharing work was not a simple task. That was when firewalls
were designed as a perimeter defense.

With XP SP2 and Windows Firewall, Microsoft designed WF as an interior defense.
WF is specifically designed to protect your computers from each other, in
addition to the Internet.

Al Romanosky

Note from "Red faced" (meaning me) - my thoughts were with "Internet
Connection Firewall" which was aptly renamed
and reconfigured as "Windows Firewall" via SP2.


Steve Winograd said:
Some firewall programs are incompatible with Internet Connection
Sharing. Which one are you using on each computer?

Hi Steve,

Thanks for the quick reply. I am running XP Pro SP2 on the Desktop & XP Home
SP2 on the Laptop. Both are using the default Windows Firewall and both have
all current Windows updates. The problem has not always been there, I have
used the ICS before with no problems. Is there any other information that
would help? I do not want to disable the firewall from either PC, as I do use
the Laptop to dial-up from locations other than my home.

Regards, Paul.


Al Romanosky said:
Two possibilities; First - a firewall should only be active on the computer
accessing the internet and not the client computer
(BTW - Microsoft's recommendation, not mine). Second - follow the following
"trail" to determine if network users are permitted to "control or disable"
the shared connection:

Control panel>Network connections>Internet connection>Properties>Advanced
tab - under internet connection sharing check option "Allow other network

Hi Al,

Thanks for the advice. I followed that trail, and yes other network users
has been selected already. Also I would like to keep the Firewall active
because the Laptop is not always used as a 'client' computer.

Regards, Paul.

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