Internet Connection and Installtion



Hi all, I am at the end of my app and doing some beta
testing. I have 1 problem and 1 questions.

The problem: My users are using PDAs which have internet
connections (verizon). When I try to pull data from the
internet and no connection is present it connects
automatically but then doesn't pull the data. If we
connect manually before trying to pull the data it works
fine. Any idea what I can do to get around this??

The question: I have created the cab and need to create
a full install of 1 cab for everything. I am installing
SQLCE, CF, and my app. Any help on this??


Stan Adermann [Msft]


There is no direct support for invoking a cab within a cab. If you can
deploy via ActiveSync, then have a look at my sample MSI which does just
that. You can find it from the FAQ,
spx, under Deployment 3.6.

If you need to do all of this on device from a single cab, here's my

Create a CAB which contains all of the cabs you wish to install. This cab
will also contain a native setup .dll and an .exe. In your native setup
..dll's Install_Exit function, you do a CreateProcess on your .exe, and pass
it the process ID that setup.dll is running under.

This .exe will need to wait until that process exits, and then invoke the
cabs one at a time, NETCF first, SQL second and your app last (unless you
install your app as part of the master cab). Make sure you wait on the
process handle for each cab, so there is no overlap between install
sessions. The command line for invoking a cab is "wceload".

Note that cab installs on device may produce dialogs, if the device has
NETCF in ROM or NETCF has been previously installed. There is no simple
way to avoid this.

Stan Adermann
Microsoft .NET Compact Framework

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

| Content-Class: urn:content-classes:message
| From: "Aaron" <[email protected]>
| Sender: "Aaron" <[email protected]>
| Subject: Internet Connection and Installtion
| Hi all, I am at the end of my app and doing some beta
| testing. I have 1 problem and 1 questions.
| The problem: My users are using PDAs which have internet
| connections (verizon). When I try to pull data from the
| internet and no connection is present it connects
| automatically but then doesn't pull the data. If we
| connect manually before trying to pull the data it works
| fine. Any idea what I can do to get around this??
| The question: I have created the cab and need to create
| a full install of 1 cab for everything. I am installing
| SQLCE, CF, and my app. Any help on this??
| Thanks,
| Aaron

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