Internet Cache



Hopefull simple qusetion (Toshiba Technical Support had no clue) When I had
Windows 2000 all jpgs were stored in the temporary internet file as actual
pictures. Now in Windows XP they are stored as Http:xxxxx the entire address,
I just want to sort through the pictures and disgard the ones I do not wnat
without having to go on-line and connecting to each site. Even if I switch
the view to thumbnails it just gives me a generic image and no actual
picture. I can get around this by copying them all to another folder, but I
loose any pics with the same name.

Jon Kennedy

If you are viewing your TIF via IE - Tools...Internet Options...General tab,
Settings, View Files - then you should have a window with the Name column,
then Internet Address column, then a Type column, then a Size column by
default. Right click the column header line and uncheck "Internet Address"
and that might reveal the Name column, or drag the "Internet Address" column
over to the right.

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