Internal Hyperlinks in toolbar



I would like to create hyperlinks in my toolbar to jump to
named cells in an open Excel file.
I am working with estimates that are many pages long.
Each estimate has named cells at each division through out
the estimates. I would like to place internal hyperlinks
in the toolbar to jump to a specific named cell in an
estimate. I would like this to work for any estimate that
is open so creating hyperlinks within each estimate would
be time consuming and beyond what I would want the
estimators to do.
Is there a way to code a macro to jump to a named cell and
then I can assign that macro to a toolbar button?

I am not a professional programmer and have look all over
the web and some books and I can not find an answer to
this. It doesn't seem like it would be this difficult.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

David McRitchie

Hi Drew,
You did not supply much to go on, obviously you want to go
to different named cells and those named cells probably contain
a division name. If your division name is on the active row then
you can concatenate that value in the name for your defined named.
I think you'd be better off with hyperlinks
in cells. Untested but like coding on

Sub GoToHomeBase()
On Error GoTo NF
Application.Goto Range("homebase")
Exit Sub
MsgBox "GoToCell failed to find the ""homebase"" named cell"
End Sub

perhaps use this
Application.Goto Range("division_" & cells(activecell.row, 1).text
instead of
Application.Goto Range("homebase")

To assign your macro to a toolbar button see


Thank you for your help. I appololgize for not giving
more information. I see that I was not using the right
terminology for what I needed to do.

From your suggestion of the goto statement, I looked
around and found the following "select" statement which
appears to accomplish all that I need.
"SITEWORK" is the name of the cell where I want to jump.


David McRitchie

Hi Drew,
Okay I certainly wasn't expecting you meant in the same worksheet.
Glad you figured it out, AND supplied the answer you were looking for.
Building pieces together is what makes the newsgroups so great
along with the search engines to find more examples.

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