Intellisens feature of .net..



I am using .Net on Windows XP Professional. I am facing a unique problem
with visual studio where intellisense feature is getting turned off. If i
close IDE and reopen my solution the intellisense feature is back again for
sometime and after sometime its again turned off. Is there a reason why
intellisense feature is getting turned off. Its annoying to unload and reload
visual studio to get this feature turned on. BTW I am using C#.

Gary Chang[MSFT]

I am using .Net on Windows XP Professional. I am facing
a unique problem with visual studio where intellisense
feature is getting turned off. If i close IDE and reopen my
solution the intellisense feature is back again for sometime
and after sometime its again turned off. Is there a reason
why intellisense feature is getting turned off...

There is no specific reason to such behavior, would you please tell me when
did this problem began to happen, does it occur from when you installed the
VS.NET 2003? And does this problem only happen to the C# project or any
other .NET project?

I suggest you may perform a Repair/Reinstallation to your VS.NET 2003
first, it may fix such similar VS2003 IDE's problems.

By the way, have you installed any third-party VS.NET IDE add-ins or
anti-virus software in your machine?


Best regards,

Gary Chang
Microsoft Community Support
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This problem started only couple of days back. I had installed VS.NET almost
3 months back. I am using C# only so i don't know if this is true for other
projects also.
I do have thridparty addins and antivirus on my machine and all those were
installed long time back.


"Gary Chang[MSFT]" said:
I am using .Net on Windows XP Professional. I am facing
a unique problem with visual studio where intellisense
feature is getting turned off. If i close IDE and reopen my
solution the intellisense feature is back again for sometime
and after sometime its again turned off. Is there a reason
why intellisense feature is getting turned off...

There is no specific reason to such behavior, would you please tell me when
did this problem began to happen, does it occur from when you installed the
VS.NET 2003? And does this problem only happen to the C# project or any
other .NET project?

I suggest you may perform a Repair/Reinstallation to your VS.NET 2003
first, it may fix such similar VS2003 IDE's problems.

By the way, have you installed any third-party VS.NET IDE add-ins or
anti-virus software in your machine?


Best regards,

Gary Chang
Microsoft Community Support
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Gary Chang[MSFT]

This problem started only couple of days back. I had installed
VS.NET almost 3 months back. I am using C# only so i don't know
if this is true for other projects also.

OK, I got it.

Have you tried to repair/reinstall your VS2003 as I suggested, does it make
any difference?


Best regards,

Gary Chang
Microsoft Community Support
Get Secure! ¡§C
Register to Access MSDN Managed Newsgroups!

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

David Levine

Try closing ther IDE and deleting the <projName>.projdata file, found in the
obj directory. The IDE will automatically rebuild this file the next time it
runs. This cleared up the Intellisense problems that I had.

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