Integrate a Vlookup function in to a macro



I have no clue how to add this vlookup function to a macro.

The formula is
=VLOOKUP(A6,'[Commissions Master

Its working great if I keep copy pasting the formula but I want to take it a
step ahead and automate it.


I have no clue how to add this vlookup function to a macro.

The formula is
=VLOOKUP(A6,'[Commissions Master

Its working great if I keep copy pasting the formula but I want to take it a
step ahead and automate it.

Part of the recording of your macro should be typing vlookup formula.
It will work.. I've done it many time myself.
When you run your macro, make sure that the file that's being
referenced in the vlookup formula is already opened. It will make
your macro run quicker.


It is c.formula "=VLOOKUP(A6,'[Commissions Master

or cells(i,j).formula = "=VLOOKUP(A6,'[Commissions Master


I have no clue how to add this vlookup function to a macro.

The formula is
=VLOOKUP(A6,'[Commissions Master

Its working great if I keep copy pasting the formula but I want to take it a
step ahead and automate it.

Part of the recording of your macro should be typing vlookup formula.
It will work.. I've done it many time myself.
When you run your macro, make sure that the file that's being
referenced in the vlookup formula is already opened. It will make
your macro run quicker.

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