Installing XP Pro



I'm trying to install XP Pro upgrade version and after a
short period of time while it is installing I get an error
msg that says "Setup Cannot contiue. Contact tech support
(error 3e6h). I have followed every trick I could find on
the internet and seaching thru MSKB to no avail. It all
does the same thing. I have tried booting from XP disc and
trying in DOS, I've tried it in Windows98 SE. I went to
the support site and the Free support option requires
Product ID. I haven't gotten that far to get one. I've
tried other options there and it takes me in circles and I
wind up back at the starting point. Everytime! Can
someone please help me figure this thing out. I spent the
entire day yesterday and each time wound up with the same
error message.
Any help would be appreciated!


Yes, I went thru that one and multitudes of other stuff
from a Google search as well as a KB search. The only
answer I've gotten so far is to do a clean install. I
would do that except that I have 7 or so years of program
upgrades, etc. I'm still using a couple pgms from Win
3.1. I have upgraded thru Win 3.1, Win95, Win95OSR2 to
Win98Se. So you can see what I'm up against. I would
love to do a clean install but it would take forever to
reget all the updates, settings, passwords and all that
xfered to XP. A major headache. Now I did try and
install XP on here before and it worked but my email
program wouldn't work so I reverted back to 98SE. I
didn't activate XP and it was on a different board. I
just upgraded to a GigaByte 81PE1000 Pro and was ready to
try XP again and now nothing but this error msg. Support
wants a product ID when filling out the form but I haven't
gotten far enough into the installation to get a product
ID. I've tried the other options and while filling in the
info, wind up right back at the start every time. Looks
like the only way to talk to them is to pay the $35 but I
shouldn't have to do that. Any suggestions would sure be
appreciated! Thanks,


I don't know where you are located U.S. - U.K. etc, but Office Max has an 80
GB Western Digital 7200 RPM hard drive with 8MB buffer for $40 after

For 50 cents a Gigabyte, you can clean install XP on the new hard drive and
use your current hard drive as a backup hard drive. Problem solved plus you
have a huge amount of storage. You also can use the XP Transfer Wizard to
migrate the programs from your current hard drive to the new one.



Hard drives, I have.. if this really works this could be
the answer I have many gig of old programs and If I could
get the settings and all, that could just be the way to go!
Thanks, I really appreciate it!

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