Installing Windows XP after Vista


il barbi

I've got an Acer notebook that came with Vista Home Premium preinstalled on
logical disk C: and another empty logical disk D:. Both C: and D: are about
50GB wide. Now I'd like to install WinXPSP2 on D: (of course by means of a
regular Windows disk)and have a dual boot working. Since the procedure is
dangerous I'm looking for a step-by-step tutorial, better "for dummies".
Now I want to install XP because I've got may problems with Vista like
wireless and some sw not working, so I think I'll still work with XP for
some time and then possibly switch to Vista when it will hopefully be more
stable. Is this the better procedure to choose or perhaps it's better to
make the recovery DVDs for Vista (how many are they?) and build a unique
drive from C+D? But what about reinstalling Vista from the recovery DVDs?
il barbi


Before you start, have you checked that Acer has winxp drivers for the
specific laptop?

Bruce Chambers

il said:
I've got an Acer notebook that came with Vista Home Premium preinstalled on
logical disk C: and another empty logical disk D:. Both C: and D: are about
50GB wide. Now I'd like to install WinXPSP2 on D: (of course by means of a
regular Windows disk)and have a dual boot working. Since the procedure is
dangerous I'm looking for a step-by-step tutorial, better "for dummies".
Now I want to install XP because I've got may problems with Vista like
wireless and some sw not working, so I think I'll still work with XP for
some time and then possibly switch to Vista when it will hopefully be more
stable. Is this the better procedure to choose or perhaps it's better to
make the recovery DVDs for Vista (how many are they?) and build a unique
drive from C+D? But what about reinstalling Vista from the recovery DVDs?
il barbi

Normally, the older OS must be installed first unless you wish to
acquire and use some 3rd-party partition and boot management utility.
(In which case you have to follow the instructions provided by whatever
3rd party solution you select.) However, this KB Article (not for the
faint of heart) explains how to repair the Vista boot process after
installing WinXP:

Windows Vista no longer starts after you install an earlier version of
the Windows operating system in a dual-boot configuration

However, dual-booting is no longer necessary in most situations.

Why not download a Virtual Machine application, such as Microsoft's
VirtualPC 2007 ( or
Innotek's VirtualBox ( and run Win2K and your
legacy applications within a virtual computer. Both are free and work
with Vista. (Microsoft does not support the use of VirtualPC 2007 on
Vista Home editions, but several people have reported that it works just


Bruce Chambers

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I've got an Acer notebook that came with Vista Home Premium preinstalled on
logical disk C: and another empty logical disk D:. Both C: and D: are about
50GB wide. Now I'd like to install WinXPSP2 on D: (of course by means of a
regular Windows disk)and have a dual boot working. Since the procedure is
dangerous I'm looking for a step-by-step tutorial, better "for dummies".
Now I want to install XP because I've got may problems with Vista like
wireless and some sw not working, so I think I'll still work with XP for
some time and then possibly switch to Vista when it will hopefully be more
stable. Is this the better procedure to choose or perhaps it's better to
make the recovery DVDs for Vista (how many are they?) and build a unique
drive from C+D? But what about reinstalling Vista from the recovery DVDs?
il barbi
1. Download EasyBCD from
2. Download Microsoft .NET 2.0+ Framework
3. Install Windows XP and boot it
4. Install .NET 2.0+ Framework
5. Install EasyBCD and run it
a. Manage Bootloader
b. Reinstall the Vista Bootloader; Write MBR
c. Add/Remove Entries; Add an Entry; Type: Windows NT/2k/XP/2k3;
Name: Microsoft Windows XP; + Add Entry
d. Change Settings; Default OS: Microsoft Windows Vista (or XP);
Save Settings
6. Reboot computer; if Vista boot manager does not appear, repeat 5.b.

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