Installing SP1a to remote Installation



Hi all,

I have created unattended installation for Windows XP using Setup manager
which has placed I386 directory on the share of my server and also two files
unattended.bat and unattended.txt. I think all I need to do now is to make
Floppy disk containing drivers for NIC to be able to see the share and then
run unattended.bat to install Windows XP.

The question is how can I apply SP1a to my remote installation (to i386) so
I don't have to run SP install separately.

I have applied this to the Office XP and Service pack 3 but I would like to
know how to perform this on remote installation of Windows XP.

Kind regards,



you need to slipstream sp1 or sp2 into the install so that it installs
with the sp.
for full details with step by step instructions goto

It better and quicker to install it one one pc with office and
anything else you need then either use RIS server to image it or run
sysprep and do a ghost image both ways are quicker as you have a full
machine working with all the software in one go


Hey, Thanks for that it worked perfect first time.

All I need now is how to create Bootable floopy disk dhat will map to my
\\server\share and run unnatended.bat and install windows XP.

Can I use like generic drive that will work with any network card?

I use Ghost if PC's are of same hardware but some times I get some strange
laptops or desktops and I need to run the install from CD (Now this share)

Kind Regards



if you install all your software and apply al your setting run sysprep
and then ghost it before it reboots it runs the mini setup and should
cope with all types

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