Installed Nero, starged getting Outlook Express error messages?



Coincidental with installing Nero 7.1, I started getting error messages from
Outlook Express - always during Nero operations so far.

Funny thing is that I never, *ever* use Outlook Express - It just happens tb
installed bc I took the defaults when installing Office 2003.

So far the messages have all contained the same text:
"The address book failed to load. Outlook Express is incorrectly installed.
Please re-install."

Understood that correlation is not causation... but still...

Guess I'm a little paranoid bc the first thing that came to my mind is that
somehow I picked up some sort of malware when I D/L'd and installed Nero...
maybe something that wants to use my PC to send other people's spam...

Anybody heard of such messages from Outlook Express?

Gord Dibben

Outlook Express is installed with Windows and not part of Office 2003

Go to Add/remove programs in Control Panel and click on Add/remove Windows

Uncheck Outlook Express to uninstall.

See if that helps.


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