

George W. Wood

Hello.....i have recently had Windows XP Home Edition
installed and because it does not have Microsoft Word in
it (Why?) i have tried re installing my Microsoft Office
2000 - Small Business (AND Microsoft Works Suite 2001)
but with Office 2000 i get an error box appear
stating "Error 1305 - reading from file
C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\BKANT.TTF" (With Works Suite 2001 each
time the installer gets to Microsoft Word an error box
appears stating "Internal Error 2349 - contact product
support". With both programmes it then uninstalls?
Can anyone help please?


David Bullock [MSFT]

Hi George,
Please post this question to "" group; someone
there will be much better able to assist with this issue.

- David Bullock (MS)

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