


Regarding the Beta 2 Defender...Has anyone any idea how to get past Error
1316? I can't complete installation as this keeps occurring towards
completion of download


I also got an error 1316 when installing Windows Defender Beta on XP Home
with SP2. I followed the link to update Windows Installer to V2. When then
attempting to install Defender I still get error 1316.


Using the link recommended, I've been unable to find the patch suggested.
However, I got round the problem by saving the download to disk, and then
installing (rather than using 'run' when downloading). Hope this helps other
with the same difficulty.

Bill Sanderson

Download and save to disk--don't run the download directly. There have been
some reports of incomplete downloads--so you might want to try two downloads
and compare file sizes.

Bill Sanderson

Great--thanks for letting us know!

Pete said:
Using the link recommended, I've been unable to find the patch suggested.
However, I got round the problem by saving the download to disk, and then
installing (rather than using 'run' when downloading). Hope this helps
with the same difficulty.


Sounds like corrupted cache folder...

Pete said:
Using the link recommended, I've been unable to find the patch suggested.
However, I got round the problem by saving the download to disk, and then
installing (rather than using 'run' when downloading). Hope this helps
with the same difficulty.

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