install windows updates from cd?



I have downloaded and saved all the windows updates for
XP that are available from the windows update catalog.
How can I install these from a cd without having to go
thru and execute each individual file? Is there a way to
slipstream them into the installation like you can with
the service pack? They are all .exe self extracting
cabinet files. Thanks!


-----Original Message-----
I have downloaded and saved all the windows updates for
XP that are available from the windows update catalog.
How can I install these from a cd without having to go
thru and execute each individual file? Is there a way to
slipstream them into the installation like you can with
the service pack? They are all .exe self extracting
cabinet files. Thanks!
Not sure on how you would do that.. but heres what I did.
I have dial-up and have formatted my PC many times. I
never wanted to redownload all those fixes again either..
so go here...

Download the network installation file. Its one file, and
you can burn that to a cd-r and use that the next time
you need to update. hope that helps.

Shenan T. Stanley

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