Install Win2k on WinXp



I tried to install Win2k in my Dell Dimension with WinXP installed.
I changed my bios to boot from CD first but it never boot from my
win2k CD.

Any advice?


Pegasus \(MVP\)

Have a look on your Win2000 CD. It has a folder called
"Bootdisk". Inside there is a file called "makeboot.exe",
and another one called "makebt32.exe". Try them out!

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Jun said:
I tried to install Win2k in my Dell Dimension with WinXP installed.
I changed my bios to boot from CD first but it never boot from my
win2k CD.

Any advice?


As an afterthought: You will lose the ability to boot into
WinXP. To restore it, do this:

1. Boot into Win2000.
2. Pop in your WinXP CD.
3. Unhide these files: c:\ntldr, c:\
4. Replace them with their equivalents from the
WinXP CD. You will find them in the \i386 folder.

George Hester

Windows XP won't allow that. If you want to change your operating system remove the partition make another and install Windows 2000. That is if the Dell computer will still work with Windows 2000. You better make sure the hardware you have is Windows 2000 compliant before you do this. Windows XP compliant DOES NOT mean Windows 2000 compliant. The other way yes I think so but not XP -> 2000.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

There is no technical reason why the OP cannot install Win2000 on the same
partition as WinXP. I have several machines that do just this. On the other
hand, it may be preferable to use a third-party boot manager such as XOSL
and install each OS in its own partition.

Windows XP won't allow that. If you want to change your operating system
remove the partition make another and install Windows 2000. That is if the
Dell computer will still work with Windows 2000. You better make sure the
hardware you have is Windows 2000 compliant before you do this. Windows XP
compliant DOES NOT mean Windows 2000 compliant. The other way yes I think
so but not XP -> 2000.

George Hester

The hardware may prohibit it. Really though I thought XP prohibited it. Oh well I was wrong.


I tried to install Win2k in my Dell Dimension with WinXP installed.
I changed my bios to boot from CD first but it never boot from my
win2k CD.
Are you trying to replace XP or dual boot it with 2000?

If the Win2k CD is genuine, it should boot from the CD. Re-check the
BIOS setting.



Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

There's no technical issue that stops one from installing two
Microsoft operating systems onto the same partition, but there should
be. Under normal circumstances, placing two operating systems in the
same partition is a recipe for disaster. A careful, knowledgeable
specialist can do this safely, but the ordinary PC user had better be
backing up his data daily, as a catastrophic failure is a matter of
"when," rather than "if."

Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

Are you trying to replace WinXP with Win2K, or are you trying to
create a dual-boot scenario? Your post isn't clear on this matter,
and we can give a correct answer until we know what you're trying to

Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH


Bruce Chambers said:
Greetings --

Are you trying to replace WinXP with Win2K, or are you trying to
create a dual-boot scenario? Your post isn't clear on this matter,
and we can give a correct answer until we know what you're trying to

Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH

Sorry, here is what I want:

I want to create a dual-boot scenario.

Here were what I did:

- changed the bios to boot from CD first
- insert the Win2k CD and reboot

but the machine (Dell dimension 4600) always booted to XP (Home).
BTW, I don't have a flopy drive.

Can you show me the steps to do it?


Pegasus \(MVP\)

Jun said:
"Bruce Chambers" <[email protected]> wrote in message

Sorry, here is what I want:

I want to create a dual-boot scenario.

Here were what I did:

- changed the bios to boot from CD first
- insert the Win2k CD and reboot

but the machine (Dell dimension 4600) always booted to XP (Home).
BTW, I don't have a flopy drive.

Can you show me the steps to do it?


If you don't have a floppy disk drive, and if you cannot boot
from you're CD drive then you're stuck.

I recommend you talk to Dell about your problem.

George Hester

He could always make a flat file of the Windows 2000 CD-ROM to disk and install from there. He won't be able to install over Windows XP in this case. At least I don't think so but hey I'm not batting very well in this thread.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Intriguing idea. How would you do this? How to start the
installation process?

He could always make a flat file of the Windows 2000 CD-ROM to disk and
install from there. He won't be able to install over Windows XP in this
case. At least I don't think so but hey I'm not batting very well in this

George Hester

Oh you just run the setup. It's on the root of the CD-ROM.. It will say it cannot be installed on the same drive please choose a different one. I used to do this with the Server CD-ROM this kept me from having to insert the CD-ROM running sfc. I would boot into Professional it would say it couldn't install over Professional choose a different partition which I had ready to go.

George Hester

Run setup.exe in the flat file from Windows XP. This is actually what Microsoft recommends for the issue of various Windows 2000 installation issues.


I tried it again with a bootable win2k CD on a blank drive
and I got "NTLDR is missing" what does it mean?


Pegasus \(MVP\)

- Are you telling us that your laptop is all of a sudden able
to boot off a CD? If so, what's changed? Why would it
not do it before?
- You write "I tried it again". Tried what again? Please supply
full details.

George Hester

That means the CD-ROM was not seen and the machine tried to boot from your empty drive which is why you got the error NTLDR missing. You really need to check your BIOS and make sure Boot from the CD-ROM drive appears BEFORE boot from the Harddrive.

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