Install Service Pack 4 automatically in several computers


Javier Villegas


I have an Active Directory structure with 50 client computers with Windows
2000 (Spanish) with Service Pack 2.

I need to install Service Pack 4 automatically in all the computers.

I downloaded W2KSP4_ES.EXE (Network Install) and the I extract update.msi
using W2KSP4_ES.EXE -X option. Then I use GPO to create an Assigned Package
with update.msi

When I restart the machines nothing happen with the Automatic Installation

What I am doing wrong ?

How can I solve this ?

Note: The Service Pack does not appear in the published software

Thanks in advance

Robert Cohen

first you shouldn't cross post like this.

you know there is a delay from when you apply a group policy and when it get
applied ot the workstations (default is 90 minutes), you can force it to be
applied in whatever interval you set in group policy.

Andrew Mitchell

Robert Cohen said:
first you shouldn't cross post like this.

Nearly as bad as top-posting ;-)
you know there is a delay from when you apply a group policy and when
it get applied ot the workstations (default is 90 minutes), you can
force it to be applied in whatever interval you set in group policy.

He also needs to ensure that the computer accounts have read and apply
rights to the GP or it won't take affect.


Chris Dove

I had a problem on a rollout. I had to change the rollout shared directory
name to a small number of characters.


Javier Villegas

How can I ensure that the computer accounts have read and apply rights to
the GP ?

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