Install, Acces Denied!



The new Vista is totally cool, but everything has a problem!

Everytime i try to download a program Windows says that the acces to copy
files to that folder (/program files) is denied!

SÃ¥ i make a new folder and download my programs overthere, but some setup's
dosn't support to select the place you want to copy the files!

So, how will i have to install programs in the normal folder, every programs

And i have turned User Control off, and i am the Administrator!


With Windows Vista, Program filews is off limits. the best way for
downloading is to download it into your personal file. I personally use my
"Downloads" file, and create sub-files in there.
You can create an alternate file on C: but it can only be in the open area
of C: not in the Program Files, Windows (windows 32 if you are running Vista
It will take a little time to get used to, but you will find that if you
follow the Vista rules, it will all turn out okay.

Hope this helps :)

John Barnes

Try right clicking on the programs you are trying to install and select 'run
as administrator' having administrative priveleges isn't the same.
Good luck.


Well, i tryed that one too, but it's showing the same!!

It's going to make me insane!! Heheh

Peter van Dam

What you can try is the following.

Right click on program files
Press the security tab
Press edit
And give every username and groups full controll

Maybe your problems are over then...

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