insertion point



What should be simple: I would like to put a table, image, anything in
Frontpage somewhere other than the left margin of the screen. How? Example:
Cntl + End moves the insertion point nowwhere - I believe this is suppose to
move it to the bottom right of the screen in design view?


You need to understand how HTML works to understand the answer to the
question. Unless you use CSS (cascading style sheets) to explicitly
position a page element, everything you put on a page will begin at the left
margin. It is possible to put something on the page, however, that has
WIDTH, and that can contain other elements, like a table. While the table
will BEGIN at the left margin, you can take advantage of its width and cell
structure to add content that appears to begin somewhere other than at the
page's margin.

This being the case, it's simply not possible to cause the insertion point
to just move 200 pixels to the right without putting some container element
in that location.

See what I mean?


Thanks, and that is unfortunate. I hoped it would function as .NET does,
where you can drag and drop your objects on the canvas and .NET will put in
many of the html the coordinates width, top, etc. Otherwise, I'm not sure how
this software saves my programming time if I still have to hand code the
object arrangements. The books state to simply move the curser to the new
insertion point and then click the left mouse button.

Rick Budde

Did you catch the word TABLE in the explanation given by

It is not really a big deal to place say a two column
table on the page and place your content into the right
hand column to achieve what you describe. Your table
borders (Table properties) can be set to zero and they
won't show up on your page.

Often times when we first start learning something new,
it is frustrating to "unlearn" what we already think we
know about the subject matter. Front Page WILL be
different than .NET

Wally S

Why not just start with a table? Set the alignment to "center" and the float
to "default." Your table will be in the center of the page. Or do I not
understand the question?

Wally S

Andrew Murray

Could you do this with layers? The results would be unpredictable across
various browsers, but you should be able to use layers and 'absolute

As I've said the results may not be as expected from different browser types
and even different versions of the same browser.


Soitenly you could, and the results may be completely predictable
cross-browser/platform, depending on your skill at working with layers.

But you don't need to use 'layers' to position things on the page, e.g.,

<img style="position:absolute; top:150px; left:200px;">

works well, as does even this -

<table style="position:absolute; top:150px; left:200px;">

or this -

<p style="position:absolute; top:150px; left:200px;">

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