inserting data into "CLOB" field returning ORA-01704: string literal too long



Hello Everyone,

I'm attempting to design a small web app to obtain customer feedback.
The issue is when a user inputs >4000 characters in the COMMENTS
section I get the following Err Msg: ORA-01704: string literal too

I am using Visual Studio.Net 2003 (vb as language), SQL+ to create
tables in Oracle 9i, and Access to just link and veiw the tables.

Used SQL+ to create the table

sql> create table tab1
(NAME varchar2(100), COMMENTS CLOB);

My webform has 2 textboxes, 1 button and 1 label

Code looks like so:

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDB

Private ConnectString as String
ConnectString = "Yada, Yada, Yada..."
Dim con As New OleDBConnection(ConnectString)


The following is my input statement:

Private Sub btnSubmit_Click.........


Dim insertSQL, Name, Comments As String
Dim Added as Integer

NAME = " ' " & txtName.text & " ' "
COMMENTS = " ' " & txtComments.text & " ' "

"VALUES (" & NAME & ", " & COMMENTS & ")"

DIM cmd As New OleDBCommand(insertSQL, con)
added = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery

'gives me some kind of confirmation record was submitted
If added > 0 Then
lblErr.text = "Record Submitted"
End If

Catch ex As Exception
lblErr.text = ex.Message
End Try
End Sub

This is as detailed as I can get. Do I need to declare COMMENTS as
something other than string? Is there some other way I need to write
the insert statement? Am I way off and should hang it up as a beginner
..Net developer? I have read through tons of docs, websites, and groups
and can't come up with any definitive answers. This is my first time
posting. Willing to help anyone and any help would be MUCH appreciated.


You can't use oledb, I added the Oracle reference and used Imports
Oracle.DataAccess.Client and Oracle.DataAccess.Types, I changed some
code around and on day 2 got it working. I would like to post a couple
of links that assisted me in completing my task and hope it well help
others with my same situation. This applies to all LOBs.

'this will go over the setup of tables and code needed to read the
clob, this must be done first, before you can write to a LOB field.
Yes, you have to read before you can write. The link will further

'this one will explain how to write to a LOB field

Thank you all.