Inserting data from an ACCESS form into a bookmark in WORD



I have the following code (which opens a NEW Word document and prints the
data from my ACCESS form) -- I need code that will open a specified WORD
template and insert the ACCESS data into a specific bookmark. I'm sure this
is a simple process, but I'm somewhat frazzled (at this point) and have
settled on this option over several previous suggestions. Here's the code I
need to modify:
'The following code outputs the Print Detail data to a NEW Word document

'On Error GoTo Err_Command83_Click

'Dim stDocName As String
'Dim MyForm As Form

'stDocName = "PrintDetails"
'Set MyForm = Screen.ActiveForm
'DoCmd.SelectObject acForm, stDocName, True
'DoCmd.SelectObject acForm, MyForm.Name, False

'Exit Sub

'MsgBox Err.Description
'Resume Exit_Command83_Click


I think you will need to play with Automation here: first print out your form
to a new document, then open Word (Automation) object, open your newly
created output, select it all and copy to Clipboard; then open your template,
locate the bookmark and paste from the Clipboard. After that you can close
the original output and delete the file (some housekeeping)

Paul Shapiro

This code opens a new document from a specified template. The oWord object
has already been initialized to Word.Application.
Set oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add(Template:=strTemplate)

Here is code that replaces a named bookmark with text:
Function ReplaceBookmark( _
oDoc As Word.Document, _
strBookmarkName As String, _
strReplacementText As String) As Boolean
'Replace all occurrences of the bookmark with the replacement text
With oDoc.Bookmarks
If .Exists(strBookmarkName) Then
.Item(strBookmarkName).Range.Text = strReplacementText
ReplaceBookmark = True
End If
End With
End Function

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