Inserting an .avi into a PPT slide causes Powerpoint to crash

  • Thread starter Julia Åhlander
  • Start date

Julia Åhlander

Hi all,

Inserting an .avi into a ppt slide causes Powerpoint to crash. Installing
WINDVD seems to have caused the problem and though it's completely removed
even from the registry the problem remains.

Office Detect and repair is perfomed
MS Office is reinstalled
Codec is updated too

Any ideas?

Best regards

Bill Dilworth

Sorry you are having difficulties Julia.

Some outside video applications (sound ones too, for that matter) will
change some of the MCI settings on the machine during install. This helps
their applications run, but can interfere with the MCI player that
PowerPoint uses to play movie files.

These changes are not reset when the app is un-installed or Office id
repaired. I suspect, that this is where your problem's solution will be

Read this FAQ, and do what it recommends.
**The Myers Multimedia FAQ by Austin Myers (PowerPoint MVP)

Post back and let us know if this resolved your difficulties.

Bill Dilworth, MS PPT MVP
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out This link will yahoo.
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you think to ask them.

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ant-virus, anti-nuisance misdirection.

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