Inserting a space character ' ' in Oracle 8.1.7


Ken - Singapore

Hi Everybody,

I'm currently using MS-Access 2000 to go into Oracle 8.1.7
via ODBC to do minor data change.

There is a field required to be ' '. (i.e. a single space-
character). When I do this in Access, it is not written to
the Oracle as ' ' but as a NULL.

Is the a way to put a single-space character without the
programming (VB/C) hassle? :)


Joe Fallon

You can't do it by typing in a linked table.
You *have* to write a query and then use ' ' as the value.
The Access UI trims the space for you - but in this case you don't want

Ken - Singapore

Thanks Joe,

Being yahoo-ing and google-ing for days to put the ' ' in
Oracle using MS-Access. Thanks for the confirmation.


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