insert row in table


Steve Goodrich

i have a table with only one field "name" which i use linked to a form as a
drop down list box, i can sort the list either a-z or z-a but i would like
to sort it in my own way. in table view when i add another name it appears
at the bottom of the table.

is there a way i can insert a row so i can type the new name where i want. i
know i can insert a row in design view but that creates a new field which is
not what i want

steve goodrich

Van T. Dinh

Tables have no inherent sorting order so the answer is no.

If you want to view data in certain order, use a Query to sort data the way
you want.

John Vinson

is there a way i can insert a row so i can type the new name where i want. i
know i can insert a row in design view but that creates a new field which is
not what i want

No. As Van correctly says, a table *has no order* - it's an unordered
"bag" of data. You will need to put another field (call it Sortkey
perhaps) in the table and - manually or with code - assign it a value
which sorts it in the desired order.

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