Insert date-time value using SQL?


Jacob Havkrog

Hi group.

How do I specify a date-time value MS Access database SQL query.

I know, that to specify a date value, I need the syntax
SELECT * FROM Ordrer WHERE Mydate= #5/10/96#

But what if I need to specify a date time value, like "2006-8-31 16:27:06"?

Is there a precision problem here? I have a database field of type DATETIME
where I store time stamps, and I need to select fields with a certain time

Thanks for your help.



Douglas J. Steele

Access should correctly interpret #2006-8-31 16:27:06#. However, since
date/times are stored as 8 byte floating point numbers (the integer portion
represents the date as the number of days relative to 30 Dec, 1899, while
the decimal portion represents the time as a fraction of a day), there can
be the usual problems with floating point round-off errors.

If you're prompting the user to input a date and time, you could consider
something like:

WHERE MyDateTime BETWEEN DateAdd("s", -1, [Input a Date and Time]) AND
DateAdd("s", 1, [Input a Date and Time])

That will look for everything 1 second on either side of the date/time

Pieter Wijnen

Same way
SELECT * FROM Ordrer WHERE Mydate=#2006-05-10 16:27:06#
Note that I used the Military format
SELECT * FROM Ordrer WHERE Mydate=#05/10/06 16:27:06#
yields the same result though


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