Insert Current Date on a Sheet 1 Tab



Good morning.

I have been trying to put a macro in place that will rename Sheet 1 tab to
the current date, every day, in many different new workbooks created daily.
I know the function =TODAY() however I can't seem to get that function to
take on the tab itself. I see that you can Insert an Excel Macro on the tab,
but I don't know how to create this either. I can get the Tab to read Macro1
- but then I don't know how to write that Macro.

I appreciate any input!


you can't name a sheet by a date because you can't use traditions date
seperators in the name.
these characters are forbidden by excel
:, /, \, *,[ ,]
you can name it with someting that looks like a date like'
2-12-2008 or Feb-12-2008
and that can be done with a macro.
Dim td As Date
Dim d As Long
Dim m As String
Dim y As Long
td = Date
d = Day(td)
m = Format(Month(td), "mmm")
y = Year(td)
Sheets("sheet1").Name = _
m & "-" & d & "-" & y





FSt1 said:
you can't name a sheet by a date because you can't use traditions date
seperators in the name.
these characters are forbidden by excel
:, /, \, *,[ ,]
you can name it with someting that looks like a date like'
2-12-2008 or Feb-12-2008
and that can be done with a macro.
Dim td As Date
Dim d As Long
Dim m As String
Dim y As Long
td = Date
d = Day(td)
m = Format(Month(td), "mmm")
y = Year(td)
Sheets("sheet1").Name = _
m & "-" & d & "-" & y

Veronica said:
Good morning.

I have been trying to put a macro in place that will rename Sheet 1 tab to
the current date, every day, in many different new workbooks created daily.
I know the function =TODAY() however I can't seem to get that function to
take on the tab itself. I see that you can Insert an Excel Macro on the tab,
but I don't know how to create this either. I can get the Tab to read Macro1
- but then I don't know how to write that Macro.

I appreciate any input!


OK - I will give this a try.
Thanks! Veronica.

FSt1 said:
you can't name a sheet by a date because you can't use traditions date
seperators in the name.
these characters are forbidden by excel
:, /, \, *,[ ,]
you can name it with someting that looks like a date like'
2-12-2008 or Feb-12-2008
and that can be done with a macro.
Dim td As Date
Dim d As Long
Dim m As String
Dim y As Long
td = Date
d = Day(td)
m = Format(Month(td), "mmm")
y = Year(td)
Sheets("sheet1").Name = _
m & "-" & d & "-" & y

Veronica said:
Good morning.

I have been trying to put a macro in place that will rename Sheet 1 tab to
the current date, every day, in many different new workbooks created daily.
I know the function =TODAY() however I can't seem to get that function to
take on the tab itself. I see that you can Insert an Excel Macro on the tab,
but I don't know how to create this either. I can get the Tab to read Macro1
- but then I don't know how to write that Macro.

I appreciate any input!


This definitely put a date on my Sheet 1. It is giving me January 12, 2008
however. Is there a way to tell the macro to always use a current date?
Thanks! Veronica.

FSt1 said:
you can't name a sheet by a date because you can't use traditions date
seperators in the name.
these characters are forbidden by excel
:, /, \, *,[ ,]
you can name it with someting that looks like a date like'
2-12-2008 or Feb-12-2008
and that can be done with a macro.
Dim td As Date
Dim d As Long
Dim m As String
Dim y As Long
td = Date
d = Day(td)
m = Format(Month(td), "mmm")
y = Year(td)
Sheets("sheet1").Name = _
m & "-" & d & "-" & y

Veronica said:
Good morning.

I have been trying to put a macro in place that will rename Sheet 1 tab to
the current date, every day, in many different new workbooks created daily.
I know the function =TODAY() however I can't seem to get that function to
take on the tab itself. I see that you can Insert an Excel Macro on the tab,
but I don't know how to create this either. I can get the Tab to read Macro1
- but then I don't know how to write that Macro.

I appreciate any input!

Herbert Seidenberg

Sub NameShToday()
Dim td As Date
Dim d As Long
Dim e As Long
Dim m As String
Dim y As Long
td = Date
d = Day(td)
e = Month(td)
m = MonthName(e, 1)
y = Year(td)
Sheets("Sheet1").Name = _
m & "-" & d & "-" & y
End Sub

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