Insert copied row - Excel 2007



How do I fix getting the "cannot paste . . . copy area and paste area are not
the same size" message? I've highlighted a few rows, copied then go to
another worksheet and hightlight one row and select insert copied rows. Used
to do this all the time is 2003.

Andrew Ball


Make sure that the there are enough blank rows and columns to take the new
data, and you highlight them from top left to bottom right, then click on the
top left cell only at the new location. I discovered by accident that the
direction you highlight the original cells to be copied is important



I do it all the time in 2007 :) You must be copying from a workbook in Excel
2007 format to a workbook in Compatibility format. Since you are selecting
entire rows and 07 allows more columns, it's letting you know it won't fit.
(Which would be a good thing if you had data past column IV!)
So for fixes... save the workbook you're copying from as a Excel 97-2003
workbook or the workbook you're copying to as 2007 and then the ranges will
match (if you save a workbook in compatibility mode to new format, you must
close and open to take effect), or instead of selecting the entire row,
select the actual data. An easy way to make that possible, if you have tons
of columns, is to temporarily hide all of the columns except the first and
last. Selecting a range that includes hidden columns, will still copy those
as well...
Hope something here helps!

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