input form



i wish to upgrade my asp program to

my asp is to input some data from a form to SQL server, there are some
javascripts to validate input (client side)

but i tried

i find
1. it is not easy to have a good-look input form
2. the dataview template is very standard, i cannot edit its layout. i.e.
change to 4 columns
3. i do not know how to use javascripts (restrict characters, count
characters, how no of characters) in the dataview template.
4. even the UI is very advanced. i cannot do what i want to do a simple
5. textbox cannot be bind to datasource

Could you give me some advices or any wrong findings?

Should i use html components instead of .net components in page?

Thanks a lot.


S. Justin Gengo


Yes, .NET can be a bit intimidating when you first get started. I made the
move from classic ASP to .NET when .NET came out as a beta and it was
difficult to wrap my head around object oriented programming. Everything you
say you are having trouble with is easily overcome with .NET but you have to
resign yourself to getting back to the basics and re-learning a few things.

Back when I got started the website tutorials helped me a
great deal. Those tutorials were moved here: I'd suggest the
online tutorials and a good book in order to get going. Believe me, once you
get used to .NET you'll NEVER want to go back.


S. Justin Gengo, MCP
Web Developer

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