Inoperable CD Rom Drive



My CD drive is inoperable. When looking at device manager
it shows a yellow exclamation point and the status
is "Your registry might be corrupted (Code 19)". I have
uninstalled the CD Drive and reinstalled it with the same
result. Any suggestions ?? I am running W2000

Thank You


I am running Windows 20000 Professiional and have a similar problem. A few
days ago, when booting up the machine, a message was displayed that certain
Windows files had errors, with a choice to fix the errors or not. I choose
to fix them.

Since that time I have two problems that have surfaced.

1. There is no audio at all. Even the Speaker Icon at the bottom of the
screen as disappeared.

2. While the Cd-ROM is recognized in BIOS, is seen by Windows, will allow a
Windows CD-ROM to boot the machine from the CD-ROM drive, if I put any other
CD in it, is simply says that the CD is not formatted and would I like to
format it now?

The motherboard is an ABIT IC7 with on-board audio, which is enabled in CMOS.

I would acept any and all help to get these features back. I am not an
expert, so bear with me.



I have the same problem, suddenly I have not audio nor CD ROM. I have tried
to uninstall and reinstall...still having the same problem. I am not an
expert at this and have no clue what action I should take next. Please help.
Thanks, Tina

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