Initiation error


mike carrington

When I try to initiate Microsoft Outlook 2003 I get an error message that

"The ad-in "C:\Program Files\Google\Google Desktop Search\GoogleDesktopO..."
could not be installed or loaded. This problem may be resolved by using
Detect and Repair on the Help menu. Unable to load "C:\Program
Files\Google\Google Desktop S...". You may be out of memory, out of system
resources, or missing a .dll file."

There are plenty of system resources including memory. I note that Google
is mentioned for both errors. Should there be a reference to Google? What
can I do about this? This was just loaded from the distribution CD. There
is also no Extend.dat file on my computer.

Many thanks in advance.


Brian Tillman

mike carrington said:
There are plenty of system resources including memory. I note that
Google is mentioned for both errors. Should there be a reference to
Google? What can I do about this? This was just loaded from the
distribution CD. There is also no Extend.dat file on my computer.

Didn't you ask this question before?

mike carrington

I did. It never was answered except to say delete 'Extend.dat' and when I
replied that file doesn't exist on my computer, there was no response.

I'd sure like some help with this.


Brian Tillman

mike carrington said:
I did. It never was answered except to say delete 'Extend.dat' and
when I replied that file doesn't exist on my computer, there was no

Outlook always creates that file. Open Windows Explorer and enter


into the Address field. Click Go. It should be there.

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