Inherited DropDownList and asp:listitems


Arthur Dent

Hi all,

I have a control which i wrote which inherits the asp:dropdownlist control.
Works great, all happy.
If when using it i try to declaratively add some items, it complains that
they are unknown types. eg...

<mytag:mydropdownlist id="lstInherited" runat="server"
appenddatabounditems="true" >
<asp:listitem id="" value="select an item" >

It complains that asp:listitem is an unknown element. How can i direct the
runtime that my dropdownlist
control can contain asp:listitems like its base class? I assume some sort of
attribute on the class, but i am
looking for any direction as to what attribute.
Thanks in advance,
- Arthur Dent.

Gaurav Vaish \(www.EduJini.IN\)

Look into the following attribtue:
ParseChildrenAttribute (System.Web.UI)
PersistChildrenAttribute (System.Web.UI)

The child controls, by default, are not accepted.
You may also need to override AddedParsedSubObject method for type-safety of
the controls added.

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