Indicates Wrong NUmber of Records



Although there are 23 records in the table the navigation buttons
at the bottom of the form shows 1 record until I move to
another record then the proper number gets displayed.

Any Ideas?



Let me clarify.
The Navigation buttons on the bottom of the form indicate the proper
number of rows. I'm using the following code in the form's OnCurrent
to display the record count on a label's caption:

Public Function RecCount()

On Error Resume Next

Dim intCount As Integer

With CodeContextObject
intCount = .RecordsetClone.RecordCount
!lblCount.Caption = intCount & " Item(s)"
End With

End Function

I only set the Navigation Buttons to Yes to see if they displayed the 1
like the label is but that's fine.
I'm using the same code on all my forms and they seem to be fine. With one
exception: I had the same problem with one of my other forms and I deleted
and imported the form from my backup and all seems fine with that form.


Dirk Goldgar

JamesJ said:
Let me clarify.
The Navigation buttons on the bottom of the form indicate the proper
number of rows. I'm using the following code in the form's OnCurrent
to display the record count on a label's caption:

Public Function RecCount()

On Error Resume Next

Dim intCount As Integer

With CodeContextObject
intCount = .RecordsetClone.RecordCount
!lblCount.Caption = intCount & " Item(s)"
End With

End Function

I only set the Navigation Buttons to Yes to see if they displayed the
1 record
like the label is but that's fine.
I'm using the same code on all my forms and they seem to be fine.
With one exception: I had the same problem with one of my other forms
and I deleted it
and imported the form from my backup and all seems fine with that

I believe I answered this question for you in a different newsgroup. It
would have been better not to post the same question to multiple
newsgroups, unless you had used the Advanced options to crosspost a
single message (list multiple newsgroups in the target list), rather
than post several separate and unrelated messages.

But let me know, there or here, whether my answer solved your problem.


Sorry 'bout the cross post. I found some other datails
and decided to start a new thread.
I'll respond to the .access.forms.


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