Indexing Linked Text Files.




We have a central database which feeds information to another 12+ databases.

The main database has multiple text files linked from a shared network drive
which are updated daily. The databsse then copies the info into new tables
and shares this info out so it can be manipulated.

The problem we are encountering is that the tables wont hold their indexing
so everyday, we need to manually go in and re index all the tables to speed
them up again.

I have looked trhought the import specs and cant see anywhere in there to
set the indexing up so does anyone have any other suggestions please?

Kind regards,


Why use new tables every time? Rather than import to a new table, just
delete the data from the existing table that already has the indexes, and
import into the existing table.
To delete the existing data
CurrentDb.Execute("DELETE * Form MyTable;"), dbFailOnError

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