Inconsistent look between browsers



I image this question is already answer in thousands of places because is very obvious that ocurrs. Basically, I have a .net text box control on a page, and I'm using the width property to specify it's display size, it works great in Internet Explorer 6.0 but running the same page on Netscape 7.1 doesn't work. To make it work I'm setting the <input> size property by hand on the PreRender event of the page, but I wonder is there is something that I missing or is just the way it is, hopefully fixed with whidbey. I experience inconsistences like this on all type of controls, I was under the impresion that the rendering was supposed to accomodate to the browser but apperantly not

I appreciate your help

bruce barker strip all style commands if the browser is not IE. the following
code in page load will fix you up.

if ("netscape|gecko|opera".IndexOf (this.Request.Browser.Browser.ToLower())
this.ClientTarget = "Uplevel";

-- bruce (

I image this question is already answer in thousands of places because is
very obvious that ocurrs. Basically, I have a .net text box control on a page, and I'm using the width property to specify it's display size,
it works great in Internet Explorer 6.0 but running the same page on
Netscape 7.1 doesn't work. To make it work I'm setting the <input> size
property by hand on the PreRender event of the page, but I wonder is there
is something that I missing or is just the way it is, hopefully fixed with
whidbey. I experience inconsistences like this on all type of controls, I
was under the impresion that the rendering was supposed to accomodate to the
browser but apperantly not.

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