including dlls in an msi




I have a C# Desktop application that uses ODP.NET as the data provider. I
want to find out if there is a way to include ODP.NET dlls along with the
application MSI. Just including the Oracle.DataAccess.dll within the msi
does not work. Maybe I need to include ODP.NET within a launch condition,
but how do I do this?


Frans Bouma [C# MVP]

Abhinav said:

I have a C# Desktop application that uses ODP.NET as the data
provider. I want to find out if there is a way to include ODP.NET
dlls along with the application MSI. Just including the
Oracle.DataAccess.dll within the msi does not work. Maybe I need to
include ODP.NET within a launch condition, but how do I do this?

Including the oracle dll won't be enough, the client needs to install
ODP.NET in full as you also need the full oracle client software.

Oracle uses a java-based installer, so I'm not sure you can include
that in a launch condition. You could try to run the oracle
installer in an action executed after or before the actual msi install


Lead developer of LLBLGen Pro, the productive O/R mapper for .NET
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Microsoft MVP (C#)

Michael Milonov

Hi there,

Oracle.DataAccess.dll always takes OraOps10.dll (for 10 client)
but oracle client should be installed. One can experiment with number
of files in this client, for example some times ago I did oracle9i mini
client. I simply deleted the majority of files and left only those was
necessary, saved //HKLM/software/oracle registry branch and then
distributed this mini client with my software. It had size about 25M.
As you can see this way takes some efforts but then works fine :)

Best Regards,
Michael Milonov (connected .net DataTable for Oracle

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