Includes and some content not visible in preview



My home page has several includes that are displaying:
1) the banner page at top of page
2) the rotating banner beneath it
3) the footer page at the very bottom

What isn't showing up are:
1) the custom link bar directly beneath the rotating banner
2) the the content contained in tables beneath the custom link bar and above
the footer page

I have tried re-including the custom link bar to no effect. The same custom
link bar is being used by other pages and shows up fine.

Any ideas? I'm stuck...

Thomas A. Rowe

Look for missing closing </table>, </td></tr> or </body> or </html> tags on the pages not display
the includes.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


OK. I figure something went wrong during the includes so I rebuilt the page
from scratch and now everything works.


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