Included Content Not Updating on Remote Site since FP 2003 Upgrade



We have been running FP 2002 with no problems since it came out. We
recently upgraded our desktops to FP 03.


When we update included content / webbots FP 03 is not flagging the
files that contain the content as updated.

If we select all the files that SHOULD have been updated and publish
them selectively, they update on the remote web site and show the
updated content-- but if we publish the entire site, this does not

We have something to the tune of 3000 pages and probably 100 included
content menus, footers, etc. This is NOT good.

The included content files themselves DO update remotely.

I just did some more testing and discovered that the local files
containing the webbot DO update-- but FP is not flagging them as
changed and thus not publishing them!

Obviously with a 3000 page site we *cannot* tell front page to publish
the entire site, regaurdless of changes, every time.

Has anyone seen this? The KB had NADA.


My own experience: If I edit an include page (and nothing else) with
FP2003, then publish Changed Pages Only, only that include page is uploaded.
The pages that include that page are updated on the server during the
"Processing Web Updates" stage of the publish process.

If the Process Web Updates is not working, then open your live web, and
Tools -> Recalculate Hyperlinks to update the web.

Stefan B Rusynko

After any upgrade you need to Publish All at least once to get the sites in sync, there after you should just need to publish


| We have been running FP 2002 with no problems since it came out. We
| recently upgraded our desktops to FP 03.
| Problem!
| When we update included content / webbots FP 03 is not flagging the
| files that contain the content as updated.
| If we select all the files that SHOULD have been updated and publish
| them selectively, they update on the remote web site and show the
| updated content-- but if we publish the entire site, this does not
| happen.
| We have something to the tune of 3000 pages and probably 100 included
| content menus, footers, etc. This is NOT good.
| The included content files themselves DO update remotely.
| I just did some more testing and discovered that the local files
| containing the webbot DO update-- but FP is not flagging them as
| changed and thus not publishing them!
| Obviously with a 3000 page site we *cannot* tell front page to publish
| the entire site, regaurdless of changes, every time.
| Has anyone seen this? The KB had NADA.


Unfortunately, b/c I did try this yesterday, recalculating hyperlinks
does not seem to fix the problem. It STILL didn't update the remote

The very very odd thing is it IS updating the local version-- it's
just not updating the file date AND telling FP to "compare documents"
isn't catching this either (neither publish by comparing documents or
comparing dates works).

I'm tearing my hair out.

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