Inactivity Timeouts for TS client connections


Jason Hurley

Request for Information:

Is there a way for me to configure the Terminal Servers to
automatically diconnect users after a period of time, i.e.
one hour.

Reason: We only have 2 licences that allow us to TS to the
server. The 2 users keep forgetting to logoff before they
terminate their connection with the TS. Because these are
remote servers I have no other alternative but to do a
remote restart on that server. Hence the reason I would
like to know if there is a inactivity timeout for
connections in TS.

Thank You,
Jason Hurley

Vera Noest [MVP]

Yes, there is. You can enforce time-out limits on active, idle and
disconnected sessions and have them reset after the time-out period.
Can be done with a Group Policy, or within TS Connection

294751 - Terminal Services Group Policy Objects


Thanks to the both of you.

-----Original Message-----
Go to the Adminstrative Tools folder and look for
Terminals Services Configuration. Open this and click on
the connections folder. On the right you should see an RDP
connection, right click on this and select properties.
Then select the Sessions tab and from there you can
configure your disconnect settings.
Also, to log off another terminal services connection
without rebooting the server, use Terminal Services
Manager also located in the Administrative Tools folder.
Open this and it shows all the current connections on the
server. Right click any connection and select log off.

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