in order to get DUA to work, do you need to manualy start it on the target/client machine?


John F. Davis


I have configured DUA in my build using the following settings:

service account radio button is set for local.
Run on start is checked. FWIW, nothing is in my
start->programs->startup menu folder and in the registry the
HLM/software/microsoft/windows/currentversion/runonce key is empty as

Require http support is checked.

poll interval is 300

poll jitter is unchecked

working directory is d:\DUA\working. at the dirs exist on my d drive
in my target machine.

expand working dir is checked.

Select the command path type radio button has "remote using http"

hostname is - ( it doesn't resolve from
outside so no use trying to fsck with it.)

Expand hostname ... is checked.

Complete path to cmd file is ... is cmdfiles\cmdfile01.dup

expand command file .... is checked.

I don't see any traffic from target machine attempting to access the
webserver What is wrong? What else needs to
be done?


Dan Simpson [MS]

Hi John,

Unless you selected otherwise, DUA should automatically start when you boot
the device. You can verify this with the Services snap-in in the MMC
console. How is polling configured? Every day on every hour?

Also, adding the following registry key adds the DUA service to the event
log. This can help you troubleshoot DUA:
Name: Logging
Value: 1

Be sure to add the Event Log component to your run-time.

Can you ping your webserver from your device? If you include IE, can you
type in the http address to your webserver?


John F. Davis


Thanks for the assistance. I have more questions inline.

Hi John,

Unless you selected otherwise, DUA should automatically start when you boot
the device. You can verify this with the Services snap-in in the MMC
console. How is polling configured? Every day on every hour?

I do not have any "administrative tools" installed that I can tell.
ie. on the device when I click settings->control panel->Performance
and Maintenacne->Administrative tools nothing happens. Which
components do I need to install? I did a search for snap-in and
service and nothing came up which looked like the services applet
which I have seen before.

I believe it is ever day, every hour. In other words every checkbox
in that big grid is checked. I posted my other configs in the DUA
babystepping post to this same group.
Also, adding the following registry key adds the DUA service to the event
log. This can help you troubleshoot DUA:
Name: Logging
Value: 1

I dont have a XPEAgent. I have a DUAgent. Key. Under Config option,
I do not have a Logging key. Am I supposed to add it or do I need to
include a XPEAgent?
Be sure to add the Event Log component to your run-time.

I have done so.
Can you ping your webserver from your device? If you include IE, can you
type in the http address to your webserver?

Yes, I can ping the world and surt the internet. I can also pull up
the web browser on my web server and descend the update directory.

Dan Simpson [MS]

Hi John,

Type MMC from the command line. It's the Microsoft Management console where
you can add in the snap-in management functionality that you need. I've
attached instructions below.

If you can browse your webserver, that's a good sign. Make sure that DUA is
enabled to RunOnStart (which starts the DUA service when the device boots.)
Then, check the event log that DUA started and the device update program

The registry key for adding the DUA events to the Event log is XPEAgent, not
DUAgent. Add this registry key and reboot the device. Then, when you run
the eventvwr, you will be able to see DUA events.

Adding the Computer Management Snap-in to the MMC Console

1. Open the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) from the Start Menu by
choosing Run, then typing mmc. The Microsoft Management Console appears.

2. To view the services running on the system, you must add the
Computer Management (Local) Snap-in to the MMC interface. From the File
menu, choose Add/Remove Snap-in. The Add/Remove Snap-in window appears.

3. Choose Add, the Add Standalone Snap-in window appears.

4. Select the Computer Management snap-in and choose Add. When
prompted, select Local Administration and choose Finish.

5. The Computer Management snap-in is added to the MMC Console.

To Start or Stop the DUA service

1. Open the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) from the Start Menu by
choosing Run, then typing mmc. The Microsoft Management Console appears.

2. Expand Computer Management node, then select Services and

3. In the Details pane, choose Services. The Services window opens.

Right-click on the Device Update Agent Service and select either Start or
Stop to start or stop the service.


John F. Davis

Hi John,

Type MMC from the command line. It's the Microsoft Management console where
you can add in the snap-in management functionality that you need. I've
attached instructions below.

I can do part of this. I can run mmc and it will pop up applet. When
I click add snap in, I only have Active X, Device Manager, Event
Viewer, Folder, and link to web page. I do not see services. Which
component do I need to add in Target Designer to get this snapin?
If you can browse your webserver, that's a good sign. Make sure that DUA is
enabled to RunOnStart (which starts the DUA service when the device boots.)
Then, check the event log that DUA started and the device update program

The registry key for adding the DUA events to the Event log is XPEAgent, not
DUAgent. Add this registry key and reboot the device. Then, when you run
the eventvwr, you will be able to see DUA events.

Ok. I when I get a good image, I will add XPEAgent to the registery.
I'll do the rest when I get the correct component added.

John F. Davis


I also forgot to mention that I did run up the event log and I saw
that DUA failed to run CHTTPImpl.Get.

Also, I tried to search for local, managment, service, in target
builder component filter and none of them turned up a Local Service
Managment snap in.


John F. Davis

One more thing I forgot to mention. The component help for MMC says
this component does not interact with any other components. Is that
true? I am trying to find the component which works wth MMC to
provide the services snap in. That seems to be an error in the help.


Dan Simpson [MS]

If you're seeing the DUA error, then the DUA service is running. I'm not
sure exactly what component the services snap-in is located in.

Since DUA is running, check the access logs of your webserver to make sure
that DUA is polling the correct directory. Wherever you put the command
file (*.dup), DUA will look for the update files relative to the root of the
webserver directory, not relative to the location of the update file. Maybe
that's the problem?


John F. Davis

If you're seeing the DUA error, then the DUA service is running. I'm not
sure exactly what component the services snap-in is located in.

Geez, you don't know and its your area of expertise. What hope to us
as users/customers have?
Since DUA is running, check the access logs of your webserver to make sure
that DUA is polling the correct directory. Wherever you put the command
file (*.dup), DUA will look for the update files relative to the root of the
webserver directory, not relative to the location of the update file. Maybe
that's the problem?

Like I said before, I am not getting any access what-so-ever from my
xpe box at 192.168.7 to my webserver at If the terse
error message does not ring a bell for you, then what hope is there
for me.

Note, I am not arguing wth you, I am just stating the obvious fact
that your tool/process is not documented well, its overly complex, and
unless you pay on a hourly basis then you are SOL.


Slobodan Brcin

Hi John,

First you should know that you need services.msc.
Then you use file filter.
And as result you will get: Administration Support Tools - Hotfix Q824704
Geez, you don't know and its your area of expertise. What hope to us
as users/customers have?

Why would anyone with clear mind try to remember 10000+ components with
various names?
When you need to do some thing you have many docs, or at least many tools
from MS or others, to find what you need indirectly.


Dan Simpson [MS]

Services snap in is part of the WMI Management snap-ins component. Adding
that component will add support for the MMC services snap-in. Like Slobodan
said, there are several thousand components. It just took a little digging
for me to find it.

The error you're getting is a failure for HTTP GET. This means that the
webserver or file requested does not exist according to the parameters
listed in DUA. Since you are able to get it to work via IE, try moving your
..dup file to the root of the webserver and change the DUA registry setting
CmdFile to just the name of the .dup file.

And yes, DUA can be tricky to get up and running. But it does work. And
just to let you know, we'll be updating the DUA documentation for the next
XPE doc udpate. I know it doesn't help you out now, but we'll be focusing
on many of the issues brought up here in the NG.


John F. Davis

Services snap in is part of the WMI Management snap-ins component. Adding
that component will add support for the MMC services snap-in. Like Slobodan
said, there are several thousand components. It just took a little digging
for me to find it.

The error you're getting is a failure for HTTP GET. This means that the
webserver or file requested does not exist according to the parameters
listed in DUA. Since you are able to get it to work via IE, try moving your
.dup file to the root of the webserver and change the DUA registry setting
CmdFile to just the name of the .dup file.

And yes, DUA can be tricky to get up and running. But it does work. And
just to let you know, we'll be updating the DUA documentation for the next
XPE doc udpate. I know it doesn't help you out now, but we'll be focusing
on many of the issues brought up here in the NG.



Thanks for the info. FWIW, I found it by searching
and found Administration Support Tools component mentioned in a prior
post. So now, I have the services snap in.

The key is the event log. The error is not obvious. Did it fail
because it could not find the file, it could not talk https to my
webserver, it could not start a http transaction, or is DUA just

On my webservre, I do not see any entry in the access log for this
target XP box. I started trace on lan before xpe target booted.
Besides ARP, the only traffic I see is netbios-dgm and netbios-ssn.
netbios-ns, netbios-dgm.

Other info:

It seems to take an inordinate amount of time to stop the Device
Update Agent Service. ie. a couple of minutes. Afterwards, a message
box popped up which says, "Could not stop DUA..." Afterwards services
applet said the service was stopping and right clicking the service
would not allow me to restart it. The context menu had start, stop,
and restart all greyed out.

John F. Davis

Services snap in is part of the WMI Management snap-ins component. Adding
that component will add support for the MMC services snap-in. Like Slobodan
said, there are several thousand components. It just took a little digging
for me to find it.

The error you're getting is a failure for HTTP GET. This means that the
webserver or file requested does not exist according to the parameters
listed in DUA. Since you are able to get it to work via IE, try moving your
.dup file to the root of the webserver and change the DUA registry setting
CmdFile to just the name of the .dup file.

And yes, DUA can be tricky to get up and running. But it does work. And
just to let you know, we'll be updating the DUA documentation for the next
XPE doc udpate. I know it doesn't help you out now, but we'll be focusing
on many of the issues brought up here in the NG.



I added the registry setting you gave me. Kinda weird adding all the
keys for XPEagent but I did. I also added the logging key under the
preexisting DUAgent hive. (I added it there because your colleague
suggested that it be put there. He did not mention XPEAgent. eg MS
is not consistent in their recommendation.) I then restarted the DUA
service after each new key addition. Neither one caused any new info
to be put in the event log.

I appreciate the fact that MS is going to redocument this capability.
Its needs it. Also, I opened a support ticket with premier support
last friday on this issue. Besides a few emails not much has been
accomplished. Could you fill in for Khalid Sabri since he appears to
be out of office today. He did not tell me this until after 7pm EST
via email. I was already out of office. This is a big let down. If
I don't get this resolved today, I'm not going to have time to demo
the update capability to our customer tomorrow. My case number is


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