In need of VB some assistance



I have report that currently generates daily. I input the data manually
and that can take up to 2 to 3 hours of my day. The data consists of
fax broadcast information. Time fax was sent, how many successful, how
many failed and the dollar amount it cost to send out. Now I have
identifiers on all faxes going out, so I know which area or state the
faxes go.

I'm not a programmer but am in need of one who can help guide me in the
right direction or write some script for me. I can also pull all
necessary data via an XML API but that again is beyond me. I spoke with
my fax company, but they can't help. Can you guys help?

I can provide any necessary XML API info or any sample VB Script given
to me by the fax company.

Please let me know


could you post an example of the data set you have? im not uptodate
with XML but if the data is always in the same place (row or column or
both), you should be able to automate the whole process


Here's what I have:

Sub TEST_GetDetailFaxStatus()

Dim testgetdetailfaxstatus As clsGetDetailFaxStatusXML
Dim testsampleparser As clsSampleParserXML

Set testgetdetailfaxstatus = New clsGetDetailFaxStatusXML
Set testsampleparser = New clsSampleParserXML

'replace the values here with the proper account number and transaction

"password", "false", "", "", "", "", ""))

Debug.Print "Error Flag: " &
Debug.Print "Transaction ID: " &

End Sub

And this is what else I have:

Option Explicit

Function SendRequest(ParamArray arglist()) As String

Dim pArray() As HashRecord
Dim i As Integer
Dim strKeys
Dim responseHeaders
Dim responseBody
Dim lastError

strKeys = Array("UserID", "UserPassword", "AllUsersFlag",
"BillingCodeFilter", "TransactionIDListFilter", "StartTimeStampFilter",
"EndTimeStampFilter", "FaxNumbersListFilter")

ReDim pArray(UBound(strKeys))

For i = 0 To UBound(arglist)
With pArray(i)
..strValue = arglist(i)
..strKey = strKeys(i)
End With
Next i

responseHeaders = Null
responseBody = Null
Set oXMLHttp = Nothing


On Error Resume Next

If (accessWebService(strGetDetailFaxStatus, pArray())) Then
responseHeaders = oXMLHttp.getAllResponseHeaders()
responseBody = oXMLHttp.responsetext
SendRequest = responseBody
lastError = "sendRequest: error initializing the socket."
SendRequest = ""
End If
If Not (Err = 0) Then
lastError = "sendRequest: unknown error occurred during the request."
SendRequest = ""
End If

End Function

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