importing Word document into Excel 2002 worksheet.



My employer sends out report forms which we are to complete. Because he was
bullet points, etc. we have been told to create the docs in Word, then import
them into the workshhet. The problem I have is that although the entire
contents of the doc appear in the formula, when I enter the doc into the
merged cells, the last part of the doc is cut off. I have tried
autoformatting the cells, but can't get it to work. What is the best
procedure for doing this?

Gord Dibben

There are limits to how much text can be shown in a cell.............merged
cells are just one bigger cell with the same limitations.

32767 characters per cell will be visible in the formula bar but only 1024 will
be visible in the cell.

You can add Alt + ENTERs every 100 characters to get more to show.

There may be no reason to create the docs in Word and insert to Excel

You can add bullets and linefeeds to cells in Excel.

Alt + 0149(on the numpad)will enter a bullet.

Note: Alt + Enter will give you a line feed in the cell.

i.e. Alt + 0149 type some text then Alt + Enter. Alt + 0149 then more text.

For numbering...........enter 1. <space> text then Alt + Enter then 2. etc.

Format the cell to wrap text and autofit the row.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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