importing Front Page .html file into PP


Pam Hughes

I have a web site created in MS FP 98. I would like to
have the index.html page as a slide in a PP presentation.

I have tried exporting in FP explorer, FP says it exports
as index.ppt.

But when you open PP, and try to open the index.ppt, it
says it is not the right format. "PowerPoint cannot open
the type of file represented by index.ppt."

I have tried cutting and pasting, I have tried to import
in Power Point, nothing works.


Pam Hughes

John O

I have a web site created in MS FP 98. I would like to
have the index.html page as a slide in a PP presentation.

I have tried exporting in FP explorer, FP says it exports
as index.ppt.

But when you open PP, and try to open the index.ppt, it
says it is not the right format. "PowerPoint cannot open
the type of file represented by index.ppt."

I have tried cutting and pasting, I have tried to import
in Power Point, nothing works.

Do you need the links to work? If not, then just make a screen capture and
put that in Ppt. (Set the browser to display what you need, then hit
Alt-PrintScreen. Go to Ppt and hit Ctrl-V.)

If you need the links to work, I'm not sure. Many of the regulars are at a
Ppt conference today...should be back in a day or two. Try again then. :)

John O

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