Importing from Excel v2.1 documents



I need to be able to import data into a table from Excel 2.1 spreadsheets. I
know it is a very old version, but we have a manufacturer who sends reports
via this meathod. Short of a user manually converting the documents we would
prefer to automate it in Access. The problem I am runing into is the
following sample line.

Dim rs2 As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim cnn2 As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd2 As New ADODB.Command

With cnn2
..Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
..ConnectionString = "Data Source="c:\temp.xls;" & "Extended Properties=Excel
End With

Since the docuent is v2.1 I can't open it withe the Extended option, no
matter what combination I try.

Any suggesttions are welcome.


I get an invalid version error when I tried that as well. I have tried via
the Access Manager (File, Get External...) and it fails as well. If I open
the document in Excel and save as a newer version I am able to import it.

Douglas J. Steele

It's entirely possible that the DLL Access uses to communicate with Excel
doesn't recognize that version.

I suppose you could try using Automation to open the workbook in an instance
of Excel, save it, and then import that saved file.


How would I do that?

Douglas J. Steele said:
It's entirely possible that the DLL Access uses to communicate with Excel
doesn't recognize that version.

I suppose you could try using Automation to open the workbook in an instance
of Excel, save it, and then import that saved file.

Douglas J. Steele

I talked about automation in my July, 2005 "Access Answers" column in
Pinnacle Publication's "Smart Access". You can download the column (and
sample database) for free at

Off the top of my head, try something like:

Dim objExcel As Object
Dim objWorkbook As Object

Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(strFile)
objWorkbook.SaveAs FileFormat = -4143 ' That's the value for xlNormal
Set objExcel = Nothing

(where strFile is the complete path to the file)



I have tried the code given by you. It works fine, but it prompts a message
" A file name 'False.htm' exists in the folder. If I say yes the full code
gets executed.

The code: .
Public Function Changetype()

Dim objExcel As Object
Dim objWorkbook As Object

Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:\Project_GML\Copy of
objWorkbook.Saveas FileFormat = -4143 ' That's the value for xlNormal
objWorkbook.Saveas "C:\Project_GML\Copy of GML-Data\TEMP\1_STRCOUNT.xls"
Set objExcel = Nothing
End Function

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