Implication of autogenerating web services to network drive



I am now working on a project where a requirement is the autogeneration of
web service (asmx) files that will be located on a network drive to be shared
by multiple load balanced web servers. I am wondering what the implications
are for concurrency issues if one web server in the farm generates the WSMX,
then another web server in the farm receives an initial request that causes a
compile of the WSMX and while the web service is being compiled, a third web
server makes a request to that same .asmx page. Sounds to me like we may
have problems but I am wondering what people think of this arrangement.


What do you mean by auto-generation web-services?

If you have web-services on a shared network drive and want to use them
by multiple web servers for load balancing, I dont see any issue as the
individual we-server is going to parse and compile the pages/services
in thier own systems and placed in its own temposrary files

I would see concurrency issue, if you are uploading files to network

This is true as per my knowledge, if I'm worng, please engliten.



The web-service would provide an interface to working with objects that users
can change on the fly. So for example, a person object would have first name
last name and its web service would expose a modifyperson method that would
take first name and last name. The user could choose to add SSN to the
object and we would then auto-generate the ASMX file to now accept SSN as a
paramter to the modifyperson method. We would control the write portion to
insure there was no concurrency conflict there.

What I am concerned about is what happens when the assembly is first
compiled. I was under the impression that .net 2.0 would first create an
assembly in the same directory as the files and then read it into memory on
the local machine. Does each machine get its own copy of the assembly in its
temp file folder?


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