Implementing a Crystal Report



A question that appears to have been asked lots, but not answered (that I can
see). I have Access 2003 and Crystal Reports 8.5 and want to generate a
Crystal report from Access based on a parameter that comes from a field on a
form in Access. At the moment i am struggling to even get the Crystal report
to run and am basically guessing at the use of the Active X components that
may be relevant (CRviewer etc).

any guidance would be much appreciated



Hi Luke
Have you triad building a query based on your parameter and then using it as
a base for your Crystal report? Are you using ActiveX control, or are you
planning opening the report seprate from Access? Why not Access report?

Need more info.


Hi Barb

Thanks for your attention to this - what I am doing is basically creating a
Bill of Materials or full parts list from a single table, which through a
self join references itself 6 times (ie for each level of the bill of
materials) - parent item links to child item 6 times across.

This is proving to be a very slow query - so i did the same in Crystal and
its a lot whizzier - 5 times faster with the same query layout (I am not
anti-Access reports but Crystal appears to be more of a flexible tool as well)

Another thing that made it vital for me to use Crystal instead of Access for
the reports aspect was the number of groups you could perform on a field -
Access seems to limit to 4, which is no good for a requirement of 6 levels

From this I decided Crystal was the way to go, problem being its
implementation...I require in Access for a user to enter a part number in a
field, which on hitting a button, will open a Crystal report which shows the
breakdown of parts for that part number) - an ActiveX crystal report viewer
would be the step I presume, for which I have, however its getting a set
report to even run, let alone recieve a parameter that is proving difficult

thanks again


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