implement Ivalidator interface on an ASP.NET page.




I wanted to preform my own custom validation for the entire page so i though
I would implemet the IValidator interface and do all of my validation in the
"Validate" method, and this works well with one small problem.

The "Page" class has a property called "IsValid" which is read-only.

IValidator implements a private variable called isvalid


a property called "IsValid" -- however after implemeting this I can't set
the property "Isvalid" at all -- if i try I get a compile time error,
however I can directly set the variable "isvalid" and the property
"Page.IsValid" will accuratly reflect this.

I can't seem to over ride the property IsValid because this will break the
interface implementation.

so my question is how can I implement the IValidator interface on a page AND
set the IsValid property -- the interface requires the set accessor to be
there, but the page class has it as read only so it appears that i can't set

any help or feedback is appreciated.



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