impersonation and accessing remote folder


Jon L. Lovesky

Hello all,

I am attempting to access a remote folder from an application (all
within the same domain). The application is configured for windows
authentication in IIS and the worker process runs as the local
ASP.NET account. When the application is about to access the remote folder I
switch the security context to the remote user programmatically, then switch
it back afterwards. When I run the application on my local system where I do
my development, it works fine. When I run the application from the server,
access to the remote folder is denied. I have verifed the security context
switches to the remote user prior to accessing the remote folder and that
the user has been granted access to the folder, so I am not sure why access
is denied. See the code below. This seems to be the accepted method to do
this, so what am I missing? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Dim impersonationContext As

Dim currentWindowsIdentity As System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity

currentWindowsIdentity = CType(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity,

impersonationContext = currentWindowsIdentity.Impersonate()

'Access remote folder here and load a data table with file info


Jon L. Lovesky

Thanks for the feedback Scott. I am impersonating the user. The server and
client in this case are both on the same domain, all Windows 2000. According
to the referenced article, this means that kerberos is used. Is there any
way to verify this?


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